Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Proud to be "Bookish"

Thank God for Stephanie Meyer.  Thank you God for giving Stephanie Meyer the insight to create the Twilight series of books.  Thank you Hollywood for turning Twilight into a movie I liked enough to read the book.  Thank you Stephanie for making the book so good that I read the rest of the series.  (It’s a good series!  Don’t knock it till you try it! ) Thank you God…   

That series got me reading again.  For that I am immeasurably thankful.

I read so much growing up and for some dumb reason hadn’t picked up a book in years.  I have probably read millions of magazines and quite a few cookbooks from cover to cover but just hadn’t picked up an actual book.  I had forgotten how wonderful the feeling is to get completely engrossed in a story.    Since my literary adventure to Forks, WA last spring (you Twigh-hards know what I’m talking about) I have read so many books.  Some I pick up and read a few pages here and there, some I completely devour, staying up late until they are finished.  I am just so thrilled to have reignited this passion.

I just finished A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick. I have looked at this #1 New York Times Bestseller multiple times and knew that I would one day get around to reading it.  I liked it. Didn’t love it but I’m not a book critic and book critics truly loved it.  Definitely “racy”, pretty dark, sometimes sad but still a really good read. If you enjoy very poetic prose you will love this book.  I almost felt like it dragged things out a little but it was good enough to make me finish it in a day.  (It was cold and windy and all I did was read).  

I actually think this book might make a better movie…just my humble opinion. The film is scheduled to come out in 2011 but is still in development so it could be much later.  If I was casting the movie I would be banging down doors to get Daniel Day Lewis to play Ralph Truitt.  Billy Zane would have to be Antonio Moretti.  I can’t for the life of me figure out who to cast as Catherine though….if Jessica Biel was a better actress maybe her? 

Anyway… here is the link from Amazon if you want to purchase the book.   Let me know who you think should play Catherine!!!!

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