Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Current Obsession

Kale Chips are friggin awesome.  Awesome.  So awesome that you need to sit down when you take the first bite because they will blow your friggin mind.  So easy, so healthy and so, so, so awesome.  So your dying to make them...right??!!!

I came across these last week and got so excited.  Oh the endless possibilities!  But I knew what I wanted to do with them first... and ran directly to the produce section and bought a bunch of Kale.
These my dear are artisnal sea salts.  The top one is Salish and ended up being my favorite.  Its smoked and smells almost bacony...incredible.  The middle is a Hawiian salt called Hiwa Kai and contains activated Charcoal which is said to aid digestion.  The bottom is Sel Gris.  I couldn't really distinguish the difference between regular sea salt and this one but the Sel Gris is gray instead of white and possibly smells more "ocean like". 
Grab your Kale and preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  A salad spinner really comes in handy for the washing process because you want the Kale to be completely dry before you bake it.  If you don't have one get out the paper towells/ kitchen rag and get all the water off after rinsing. Add 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil to the greens and toss.  A little oil goes a long way. 

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake the Kale in a thin layer for about 10 minutes until they are crsip. Sprinkle with sea salt and chow down!  Repeat with until all the Kale is "crisped".

1 Bunch Kale
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1 Tbsp. Sea or Course Salt
Bake at 350 for approx. 10 minutes.

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