Saturday, March 26, 2011

Our First Supper

Maybe it was the fact that i woke up at 10:30 and immediately read the new issue of Southern Living.  Maybe it was the fact we vegged aaaalllll day.... randomly checking on the babies...whom are hell bent on digging their way to China and finding mulitple gophers on the way....who knows.... but Lordy..


Since Captain Buttler squirms when I make the mere mention of Chicken Breasts.   These were indeed the said Chicken Breasts as they were boneless and skinless.  Something I love.... something he fears.  The only answer was Chicken Fingers.  The kind you get at diners with country gravy and taters.  Sounds good to me....

I ended up making them just like fried chicken.  I now think the secret to not TOTALLY stinking the house up like your local greasy spoon is getting the iron skillet out of the house the second you are done putting the char/ brown on the exterior of the breading and finishing up the meat in a 350 degree oven.  I run outside with the iron skillet when I'm done and place it in our cold BBQ.  The chicken was dosed in flour, sage, paprika, garlic, s&p then sunk in an egg wash with tabasco, finished up with the same flour and then fried.  Plain ol' mashed potatoes were added and then the magic secret was added.  Drumroll...

A package of Country Gravy Mix!  Its the best thing ever.   I use it for my biscuits & gravy and no, I mean, NO, one notices.  Add some ground sage, fresh ground pepper and hot sauce and this will be your best friend.

The second picture is my attempt to not take it allll the way.  Nothing like steamed spinach to fill you up an keep you from feeling the guilt.  I didn't work out today so this is a bit of a splurge... but when you really think, its all whole, organic and home made.  No preservatives (besides the gravy mix).  Its a beautiful thing when you can put together a healthy dinner that your family loves.  Hawkie got his pills tonight with leftovers.

It was delish. I will be busy cleaning my iron skillet.  It is, afterall, a bit like a family member that needs a lot of love.  xoxo

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